Elder Linda D. Scott, Pastor
1. God's instructions to Abraham: Genesis 11:26-32
§ If you'll notice, God did not give Abram's father the Covenant
§ Nor did God give the Covenant to Terah's other sons
§ But, Lot became close to Abram and the benefits came to Lot
§ All of this was in God's heart before Abram was born
2. The Call of Abraham: Genesis 12:1-9
§ God told Abram to leave momma and daddy, brothers, sisters and buddies
§ Abram's blessings was not with daddy or mommy
§ Abram was told that his name would be great even greater than his dad’s name
§ As long as we are of the "Abrahamic Covenant", we are blessed as well
3. The Covenant of God is with Isaac before his birth: Genesis 17:20-22
§ Old age means nothing to God.
§ Even the children born outside of the "Abrahamic Covenant", will be blessed, not in the same way, but blessed none the less
§ God Speaks ONCE maybe twice
4. The Birth of Isaac until he was three years old: Genesis 21:1-14
§ Now, it is one year later, the seed of promise has come
§ Verse 8, the child is three years old and weaned
§ Now, a battle between the wife and the bondwoman
§ God is for the bondwoman leaving, for her to be put out and her son
5. The Covenant of God with Isaac: Genesis 25:19-34
§ Isaac's training by his mother and father was to have "faith" in God, and he prayed accordingly
§ God heard Issac's prayer and answered him
§ The family fight begins between Esau and Jacob from the womb
§ Isaac and Rebekah were married 20 years, then they had two children
§ Now, we have the same Covenant given to us, because of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah
6. The Covenant that God made with Jacob: Genesis 28:1-9
§ The first charge Jacob had from his father as he was leaving home, he obeyed
§ Esau received the same charge, but didn't obey, he just walked through the family and the heathen nation
§ Genesis 29:31-35. God saw that Leah was hated by others, so He blessed her with children
§ Family, when they see the "favor" of God upon you, they begin to hate you and me